Were The Podesta’s The Mobster’s Behind The Green Cash

Scam And The Clean Tech Crash?

By Susan Hunter – California Green Business

Usually, if you call someone a “mobster”, you need to be ready to defend those statements in court.

In the charges against the Podesta’s, a large number of parties, ranging from technology CEO’s to FBI agents to U.S. Senators are willing to testify to that assertion “on the record”. Every one ranging from The Office of the Special Counsel to Trey Gowdy to Town Hall has held out evidence to prove the illicit actions of the Podesta’s.

The Podesta Group was subpoenaed in late August along with four other public relations firms who worked with former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort during a 2012-2014 lobbying effort for a pro-Ukraine think tank – the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine (ECMU) – tied to former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych.

Two of the subpoenaed firms include Paul Manafort’s Mercury, LLC and the Podesta Group, founded by John and Tony Podesta and operated by the latter.

The Podesta crimes had their darkest point as Barack Obama was being staged to run for President. The Podesta’s have always been the go-betweens for both the Chicago gangster attempts to exploit the White House, the Clinton Clan attempts and Silicon Valley oligarchs. The Podesta’s, by that time, had perfected their special little trick known as the “Trough Smokescreen”. The “trough” refers to the “pig trough” of crony government payola that they had staged in order to put taxpayer cash in the pockets of themselves and their friends.

The “smokescreen” refers to their money and favor-laundering trick to make dirty cash from Russian, Canadian, Chinese, Israeli, DNC and other gangsters stay invisible. The Podesta’s perfected the crime of doing crime in plain sight.

The entire Clean Tech Scam was put together by The Podesta Group!

Starting with the launch of Hillary’s first run for Presidency and tripling down at the launch of Obama’s run for the White House, a certain kind of cash and largess began flowing from government treasuries to private parties. This dirty money was called “Cleantech Cash”. It only went to the financiers and media rigging backers of Clinton and Obama. The competitors of those who received this green corruption cash were excluded from the party in order to protect those competitors. The Podesta’s and their clients owned the stock and roll-off assets in the companies that got that Cleantech Cash.

Suddenly, most of those green companies were put out of business by federal investigators who figured out the scam at the last minute. It was the largest set of failures of government funded companies, all of whom had the same investment banks, in world history.

The overall loss to the U.S. taxpayers in in the vast billions of dollars. Those losses are rising monthly.

The Podesta’s were given operational control of the U.S. Government, by Clinton and Obama executives. They used that power to plunder the U.S. Treasury while acting as a conduit for foreign oligarch crooks, billionaire pedophiles, sociopath Middle East “princes”, Silicon Valley frat boy psychotics and other slimeballs.

The Podesta’s, via bribery and influence peddling, destroyed tens of thousands of American lives, businesses and dreams in order to run their mercenary gouging of the government system. The Podesta’s operated a vast array of character assassination attacks. They did this in partnership with Fusion GPS, Gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Google, In-Q-Tel, New America, YouTube, CrowdStrike, ANTIFA, Kroll, Black Cube, Media Matters, Stratfor, CNN, Sandline and other media assassins.

Tony and John raped America! They are criminals, money launderers, elitist fronts for Middle East and Russian mobsters and they are the darkest, dankest, filthiest floor of the “Swamp” that the public so dearly want drained!

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Keywords: Cleantech Crash, John Podesta, Tony Podesta, Green Cash Crash, Green Corruption, Joule Unlimited, Steven Chu, Matt Rogers, Department of Energy, Office of the Special Counsel, President Vladimir V. Putin, Clinton Foundation, Solyndra corruption, The Podesta Group, Trey Gowdy, Russian Oligarchs, Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, Elon Musk bribes,